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Economy Finance Breakfast with Francis Kramarz and Philippe Tibi

More market for more state!

More market for more state!

In the run-up to the French presidential election, and in particular during the right-wing and left-wing primaries, the debate over the State/Market pairing came to the fore.on the State/Market pairing, with, on the one hand, the advocates of ordo-liberalismralism, who advocate "more market" and "less state", and on the other, supporters of a protective, patriotic or even defensive state in the face of the fears of a population immersed in globalization; this second trend is not exclusive to our country (cf. Brexit success, Donald Trump's election and the return of nationalism).

The thesis defended by our two speakers, developed in their book entitled "Plus de Marché pour plus d'Etat! " published in September 2016, is that the State/Market pair does not necessarily have opposing interests, and that a good understanding by the State of how the Market works, as opposed to an interventionist approach, is the key to success. the opposite of counter-productive interventionism, can be beneficial for the economy as a whole, based on targeted action to protect social cohesion.

They will be presenting their views on Friday February 24, followed by a book-signing session for their book, nominated for the Prix Turgot d'économie financière.

Francis Kramarz, X/ENSAE, administrator at INSEE, is director of CREST (Centre de recherche en économie et statistique). A professor at ENSAE and associate professor at Ecole Polytechnique, he has published some 100 articles in international journals on employment, wages, competition and international trade. He has been elected a Fellow of the Econometric Society.

Philippe Tibi, X/Télécom, holds a master's degree in business law and a DEA in political studies. Pergamon Campus" (school of economics applied to business) and professor of economics at the Ecole Polytechnique and UIBE Beijing. Chairman of UBS-France until 2012, he was also Chairman of AMAFI (Association française des Marchés Financiers) between 2007 and 2014.


Friday 24 February 2017
08:15 - 10:00
Registration deadline : 24th February
16 rue Royale
75008 Paris
  • 25 €

  • 30 €

Registration closed
Philippe TIBI


16 rue Royale
75008 Paris

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

Subway: Madeleine - Concorde

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Friday 24 February 2017
08:15 - 10:00
Registration deadline : 24th February
16 rue Royale
75008 Paris
  • 25 €

  • 30 €

Registration closed
  • 19 registrants
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