Notebook / Appointments

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01 June 2004
Sylviane Gastaldo (88)

Appointments -

Sylviane Gastaldo is appointed Director of Ensae (Ecole nationale de la statistique et de l'administration économique). She replaces Stéfan Lollivier, Inspector General of INSEE, who is now Director of INSEE's Demographic and Social Statistics Directorate. Sylviane Gastaldo, 40, an alumnus of Ecole Polytechnique and Ensae, and an Insee administrator, began her career at Ensae in 1988 as a teaching assistant in economics. Three years later, she was put in charge of economic studies on the environment in the Department of General Economic Studies at Insee's Directorate of Economic Studies and Syntheses. From 1994 to 1998, she was Director of Studies at Ensae, where she also taught and managed. In 1998, she joined the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industry as Head of the Agriculture and Environment Office in the Forecasting Division. In 2000, she was tasked with creating the Environment, Economic Regulations and Sustainable Development sub-department of the new Department of Economic Studies and Environmental Assessment at the Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development. Since January 2004, she has also been acting head of the sub-department for environmental policies. (Les Echos)

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