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Infrastructure and financial centers

01 May 2006
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ENSAE is at the heart of the economy, and the economy is at the heart of the world, so ENSAE is at the heart of the world. An issue entirely devoted to illustrating and discussing a syllogism - that's the challenge the editorial team has taken up for you.

Discussion of the premise: that ENSAE is at the heart of today's economy is beyond doubt. Alumni hold key positions, and their analyses (of markets and contemporary economic issues) are the stuff of debate, if not faith. But what does the future hold for the school, its students and alumni, at a time of great maneuvering in French and European higher education? In this issue, we take a closer look at the challenges facing the Paris School of Economics (EEP) and the Institute of Economics and Finance (Insefi Paris), two major projects in which ENSAE must play its full part.

That the economy is at the heart of the world is undoubtedly more debatable. You have to have a healthy economy in order to live, not live in order to have a healthy economy, as Molière and the people behind ENSAE Solidaire would say... The fact remains that you have to live, and that today's financial markets are indispensable in Western countries. This issue's second dossier and its headliner take a closer look at the non-financial challenges of finance.

Our concluding thoughts are inspired by both our students, brilliant hosts of the World University Debating Championship, and our alumni. The publications section is increasingly nourished by works that are directly relevant to decisive economic and political issues on a national or European scale.
Whether you'd like to discuss the content of these books, the relevance of editorial sophistry or simply catch up with classmates, there's a date to remember: the association's Annual General Meeting will be held on June 15, 2006.
Happy reading!

Frédéric Gilli


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Ensae Solidaire : Retour sur 2005 Fabien Toutlemonde (1999)
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Paris, place financière ? C’est fichu ! Sauf si… François Meunier (1977), directeur financier de Coface, président de la DFCG
Quelles infrastructures des marchés financiers pour l’Europe ? Sébastien COCHARD (1994), Délégué aux affaires européennes, BNP Paribas Securities Services
Quel avenir pour l’ENSAE ? Emmanuel Jessua (2003)
L’ENSAE doit aujourd’hui évoluer Le conseil des Anciens de l’ENSAE
L’EEP : un projet d’école d’économie à Paris Thomas Piketty, directeur d’études à l’EHESS et Emmanuel Jessua (2003)
Quelle est la genèse du projet Insefi ? Pierre Picard et Alain Bamberger