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Lexical analysis: a new technique illustrated by an appetizing example
01 October 1994
The changes that have been in the pipeline for several years have now taken shape, with the publication on June 27 of the decree formalizing the creation of the "Groupe des Écoles Nationales d'Économie et Statistique". This is a major development, which concerns us all. That's why we're publishing the full text of the decree in this issue ("l'événement" section), as well as an article by Bernard Salanié who, after a brief history of the School, sets out the substance of recent developments ("l'École" section).
For this back-to-school issue, we invite you, led by Saadi Lahlou, on a journey to the heart of lexical analysis, one of the most recent and perhaps most promising developments in statistical techniques. No "Debate", however, due to the vacations. You'll find this section again in the next issue.
Variances needs your participation. We are sending you, in the same envelope as this issue, a list of the topics we plan to cover in future issues. Please get in touch if you can contribute in any way (coordinating the production of the article, mentioning personal work, articles already published on the subject, etc.).
We hope you enjoy reading our site, and look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions to help Variances gradually reach maturity and sustainability.
For this back-to-school issue, we invite you, led by Saadi Lahlou, on a journey to the heart of lexical analysis, one of the most recent and perhaps most promising developments in statistical techniques. No "Debate", however, due to the vacations. You'll find this section again in the next issue.
Variances needs your participation. We are sending you, in the same envelope as this issue, a list of the topics we plan to cover in future issues. Please get in touch if you can contribute in any way (coordinating the production of the article, mentioning personal work, articles already published on the subject, etc.).
We hope you enjoy reading our site, and look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions to help Variances gradually reach maturity and sustainability.
Micro-ordinateurs: une explication de la baisse des prix
Antoine Moreau (SEA 87)
L'analyse lexicale
Saadi Lahlou (SEA 83)
Séries chronologiques non linéaires à temps discret
Dominique Guégan(chargée de mission à l’Ensae)