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Variances 38

01 April 2010
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Reflecting our diversity

This issue of Variances has been coordinated by a new team. It's been a tough succession: the many comments we've received over the last few weeks show that, thanks to the dedication of the previous team around Frédéric Gilli, our magazine has achieved a very high level of recognition and quality, which we'll be doing our utmost to maintain.

Together with the website and the breakfasts, Variances is an essential channel of image communication for the ENSAE Alumni Association. Its aim is to highlight the diversity and richness of our alumni's career paths.

In this issue, our headliners include Thomas Coutrot, co-chairman of ATTAC, and François Bourguignon, former Chief Economist of the World Bank, two institutions that are sometimes seen as opposites.

Even within the World Bank, the subject of this issue's focus, there is a wide range of experience, from economic policy support missions to anti-poverty programs.

Variances thus aims to be a magazine open to diverse opinions and approaches to the professions in which ENSAE has trained us. In a Tribune, Eric Chaney, Chief Economist at Axa, offers an analysis of intra-European competitiveness that sheds a different light to that published in the focus section of our last issue. Our dossier explores the world of financial research, and debunks a number of preconceived ideas, such as the comparison between France and the USA in terms of the links between research and the private sector. But this issue also tackles the themes of business creation, through Business Angels, and the ambivalent role of the Internet in brand development. And our portrait of Eric Michel shows that finance can also lead to contemporary art.

Variances is also an important link between ENSAE alumni and the school, as demonstrated by the article on the future of ENSAE ParisTech by Antoine Frachot, Director of GENES.

Finally, Variances is your magazine, ready to welcome contributions from everyone, whatever their interests. Your comments are most welcome, as is your participation in coordinating dossiers on upcoming topics.

Happy reading!

Eric Tazé-Bernard (1978) Editor-in-Chief


Happy Hour Métiers à l'école Guillaume SIMON (2005), responsable de la commission fidélisation des Anciens de l’ENSAE
ENSAE Business Angels a fêté ses deux ans en mars Dominique BEUDIN (1969) et Michel LAURENS (1972)
La recherche en finance Eric Tazé-Bernard (1978)
L'organisation de la recherche en finance et assurance Christian Gouriéroux (1972) et Jean-Michel Zakoian (1985), Responsables du laboratoire de finance-assurance du CREST
De la recherche au développement en finance Christian Gouriéroux (1972) et Jean-Michel Zakoian (1985), Responsables du laboratoire de finance-assurance du CREST
France / Etats-Unis : convergence et différences d’approches de la recherche en finance Lionel Martellini (1995), Professeur de finance à l’EDHEC et Directeur Scientifique de l’EDHEC-Risk Institute
La recherche chez un gérant d’actifs, au service des investisseurs institutionnels Marie Brière (1998), Responsable de la Stratégie Taux, Change et Volatilité chez Amundi et chercheure associée à l’Université Libre de Bruxelles
La Banque Mondiale Pierre-Marie Debreuille (1999)
Le cycle de vie des idées commence à Washington Harris Selod (1999), Senior Economist au Département du Développement Rural et Agricole, Banque Mondiale
Une institution riche en diversités Stéphane Guimbert (1997), Senior Economist pour le Cambodge, Banque Mondiale
Une mesure de la solidité des fonds propres des banques Elie Heriard-Dubreuil (2000), Director ; Thierry Grunspan (1991), Director et Bernard de Longevialle, Managing Director Standard & Poor’s, Financial Services
Les racines structurelles des déséquilibres intra-européens Eric Chaney (1988), Chef économiste du groupe AXA / Alexandra Olmedo, économiste, a contribué à cet article
Eric Michel (1986), artiste multimédia Interview réalisée par Catherine Grandcoing