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Happy Hour AAGEF au consulat de New York

Organisé par le groupe "E-New York"

E-New York - Happy Hour

The Association des Amis des Grandes Ecoles de France AAGEF and Mr Philippe Lalliot, Consul General of France in New York are pleased to invite you to a Happy Hour at the Consulate of France. This will be the occasion for all alumni from Grandes Ecoles as well as their friends to meet in the beautiful setting of our Consulate. Fee : $25 per person Register at :

Mardi 25 mai 2010
Date d'échéance des inscriptions : 25 mai
Consulate General of France
934 Fifth Avenue
10021 New York, NY
  • Gratuit Diplômés membres
    Diplômés non membres

Inscriptions closes
Mr Philippe Lalliot
Consul General of France in New York

Consulate General of France

934 Fifth Avenue
10021 New York, NY

Complément d'information (parking, Métro...)

(between 74th and 75th Street)

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Mardi 25 mai 2010
Date d'échéance des inscriptions : 25 mai
Consulate General of France
934 Fifth Avenue
10021 New York, NY
  • Gratuit Diplômés membres
    Diplômés non membres

Inscriptions closes
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