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Conference "Rendez-Vous de la Finance à Paris

Organised by "Club Finance"

The global economy and the challenges of tomorrow's world

Our partner Lunalogic invites alumni to its next edition of "Rendez-Vous de la Finance à Paris". Wednesday May 26 and Thursday May 27 The conference is aimed at senior executives from banking, finance and insurance, institutional investors, management companies and international corporations. One of our alumni will be taking part: Benoit COEURE (1992), Deputy Director General of the French Treasury. Price: 1000 Eur excl. VAT for 2 days. Online registration. Program - Wednesday May 26, 2010 7:45 Welcome - Breakfast 8:45 Introduction Fadila PALMER, CEO, Lunalogic Arnaud de BRESSON, Managing Director, Paris Europlace 9:00 The changing role and influence of central banks on markets Session 1 Moderated by Olivier CHAMPAGNE, Managing Partner, STRAPER Keynote Speaker : Christian NOYER, Governor of the Banque de France, Adib MAYALEH, Governor of the Banque de Syrie Riad SALAMEH, Governor of the Banque du Liban Mark J. CARNEY, Governor of the Bank of Canada* 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Europe and its partners: USA, BRIC, MENA Session 2 Moderated by Marina HUVET, Lunalogic Paris Jacques BARROT, Member of the Constitutional Council, former Vice- President of the European Commission S.E. Joachim BITTERLICH, Ambassadeur (e.r.) Executive Vice President International Affairs VEOLIA Environnement H.E. José Mauricio BUSTANI, Ambassador of Brazil H.E. Marc LORTIE, Ambassador of Canada 13:00 Lunch 14:30 What exit strategies from the crisis? How to smooth public and private indebtedness, increased recourse to debt, monetary readjustments, austerity policies, inflation and bankruptcies? Session 3 Moderated by Ambassador Jean-Daniel TORDJMAN, H.E. Constantin CHALASTANIS, Ambassador of Greece Kamel BENKOUSSA, Partner Goldenberg Hehmeyer LLP Séverin CABANNES, Chief Operating Officer, Société Générale Benoit COEURE, Deputy General Manager of the French Treasurynéral Adjoint du Trésor Jean-François COPE, Président du Groupe UMP à l'Assemblée Jean-François LEPETIT, Ministère de l'Economie, Risques Systémiques 16:30 Closing Cocktail Program - Thursday, May 27, 2010 8:00 Welcome 8:30-10:30 Breakfast & Networking Session 4 20 round tables: Discussions around a personality Among our speakers : Edith CRESSON, Former Prime Minister, H.E. José Mauricio BUSTANI, Ambassador of Brazil H.E. Marc LORTIE, Ambassador of Canada HE David Alexander RITCHIE, Ambassador of Australia Franklin DEVAUX, Chairman, CITIZENGATE Pierre PRIEUX, Chairman, ALCEN Jean-François THEODORE, Former Chairman NYSE Euronext Christian JIMENEZ, President PRMIA France (Professional Risk Managers' International Association) 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Technologies of the future and their applications Session 5 Moderated by Ambassador Jean-Daniel TORDJMAN Franklin DEVAUX, President, CITIZENGATE Pierre PRIEUX, President, ALCEN Jean-Charles GUIBERT, Director CEA Jacques TORDJMAN, President GFI Informatique 13:00 Lunch 15:30 Closing Jean-Louis BORLOO*, Ministre d'Etat, Minister for Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea, in charge of Green Technologies and Climate Negotiations

Thursday 27 May 2010
Westin Hotel
3 rue de Castiglione
75001 Paris

Westin Hotel

3 rue de Castiglione
75001 Paris

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Thursday 27 May 2010
Westin Hotel
3 rue de Castiglione
75001 Paris
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