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Workshop organized by Université Paris-Dauphine
Markets with frictions: transaction costs and liquidity risk
Workshop organized by Université Paris-Dauphine as part of the Fondation du Risque Chair, Dauphine-ENSAE-Groupama: "Les Particuliers Face aux Risques" Markets with frictions: transaction costs and liquidity risk Scientific Program I. Financial markets with transaction costs. The first two days are devoted to financial modeling with transaction costs; An introduction to such a topic will be given especially for participants who are not accustomed to this growing theory. Our goal is to give the opportunity for novices to get a good apprehension of this theory, including its mathematical aspects. Then, specialists will give talks of about one hour and a half on the recent advances on the subject. Among the speakers : L. Campi, E. Denis, Y. Kabanov , I. Penner , W. Schachermayer, M. Rasonyi II. Liquidity problems in financial markets. During the two last years practionners and theoriticians became aware of the importance of taking into account unliquidity in financial markets modelization . After an introduction of the subject we propose seminal talks of one and half hour regarding the recent advances in this field. Among the speakers : C. Albert Lehalle, A. Alfonsi, B. Bouchard, M. Rosembaum, H. Pham, N. Touzi From Tuesday 14 to Friday 17 September 2010
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Tuesday 14 September 2010
Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP)
11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie
Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP)
11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie75005 Paris
Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)
RER: Luxembourg
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